Countax R.E.D. Drive Unit

About this unit
The Advantage Standard range of maintenance units are partnered with the 14.5 horse power R.E.D drive unit. This unit is very fuel-efficient, easy to maneuver and makes very little noise in operation.
- 14.5hp, 16hp & 18hp engine options
- Fuel gauge and Speedometer on dashboard
- Low-noise Kawasaki engine
Suitable for...
- 3G | Sand-filled | Sand-dressed
Drag Mat

A key maintenance tool for grooming and clearing 3G and sand-based surfaces.
- Large - 2.0m
- Small - 1.5m

The Flexi-Comb attachment is ideal for decompacting 3G surfaces.
- Large - 2.5m
- Small - 1.8m

Fits onto the drive unit to collect leaves, twigs, and litter for 3G or Sand-filled surfaces.
- 3G Customisation
- Sand-filled Customisation
Salt Spreader

The Salt Spreader attachment is very useful in winter months for removing ice from the synthetic surface, run-offs, and access paths. The fine salt crystals dissolve and are washed away in the drainage system.